Valuation Real Business Value is one of the most important techniques for modern organizations since it allows to determine the real value of a company. This knowledge is essential, not only for investors, but also for company managers, who can use the information obtained through valuation to make strategic decisions.
For you to have solid knowledge about the process, we start with the fundamental aspects of valuation. In the next block, you will learn about drivers and the nature of these knowledge assets, in addition to the fact that it is necessary to group them, as this prepares you to learn about the tools used to carry out the valuation in the next block. In block 4, after mastering the knowledge about the necessary assumptions for valuation, you will learn this exclusive tool to determine the Real Business Value.
One of the main ways of evaluating modern companies is based on knowledge. Knowing the knowledge assets and the value-adding process is fundamental to the valuation process. There are several tools for evaluating companies and investments, which help in the measurement of knowledge assets and in the process of measuring these assets. It is important to know these tools to obtain more accurate and reliable valuation results.
Learning to calculate the real value of the organization is a fundamental process for anyone who wants to become a professional in the field of valuation. There are several methodologies and systems that can be used to accomplish this task, and it is important to know each one of them to choose the one that best suits the case in question.
To further enrich this work, we present the ROJO model for scenario building that can be used to plan future scenarios and make strategic decisions based on these forecasts. And finally, for those who still do not know the process of building financial statements, it is important to study the fundamentals of corporate finance and financial sustainability, which are important to understand the process. This knowledge is essential to understand how companies generate value and how they can be evaluated through valuation.
In block 1 – you will learn about the fundamental aspects of valuation. The first question is why determining the Real Business Value is essential? Next, it discusses the valuation of knowledge-based companies and its importance in the valuation of modern companies, followed by the discussion on intellectual capital being the sum of everyone’s knowledge in a company.
In block 2 – you will learn about knowledge assets and the process of adding value that starts with their nature, moving on to grouping knowledge assets and finally, closing with drivers for knowledge assets.
In block 3 – the reader will learn about the tools to carry out valuation, starting with the measurement of knowledge assets and their measurement process, in addition to teaching about the essential tools for valuing companies and investments.
Block 4 – was built to teach the reader to calculate the Real Business Value, the reason for this work. In this block, the reader will learn about the original and exclusive Valuation Real Business Value method. This tool was built during Professor Hoss’s doctorate at the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC and debugged with his post-doctorate at the University of São Paulo. Valuation is the central theme of Professor Hoss’s research, and this tool has been being refined since 1999 in institutions of the highest quality in the country. And to show that concept and practice need to be aligned, three of the numerous cases of real application and validation of the tool are presented. The first case was carried out in a non-profit organization which is Case 1 – Valuation real value of Parque Tecnológico Itaipu – PTI, followed by cases in bank and technology company Case 2 – Valuation real value of Sicbank and Case 3 – Valuation value real from Intelitech.
In block 5 – going beyond valuation you will find out about another original and exclusive tool for managing organizations by drivers and another original and strategic tool which is the Rojo Model for building scenarios, followed by Case Unitech – Rojo Model which is the application of this tool.
In block 6 – for those who still don’t know the process of building financial statements with the fundamentals of corporate finance and financial sustainability – key elements. All of these include activities and responses from the pinning activities.
In summary, knowing the fundamental aspects of valuation, knowledge assets and the value-adding process, valuation tools and learning how to calculate the real value of the organization are essential steps to obtain a clear and accurate view of the value of a company . Furthermore, it is important to go beyond valuation and use tools such as management by drivers and the Rojo model to build scenarios and plan strategically. And for those who still don’t know the process of building financial statements, the fundamentals of corporate finance and financial sustainability are useful for understanding this process. All this may seem complex, but with dedication and study, it is possible to qualify in valuation and contribute to the success of organizations.
Let’s do Valuation.
Prof. Osni Hoss, PhD.
UTFPR Full Professor – Author
1 review for VALUATION: REAL BUSINESS VALUE (English Edition) Paperback
May 11, 2023 at 10:42 pm
A broad view of the subject, it helps to consult the various evaluation methods and makes it clear that there is no single methodology. Finding the best criteria depends on intense negotiation between seller and buyer.