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Original knowledge built with a lot of study, research and observation. Superior quality achieved through a process of debugging and continuous improvement.

See more The Creation and Management of Knowledge

Why is Determining Real Value Essential for Organizations?

To produce useful strategic information in the decision-making process of organizations, it is necessary to have an efficient competitive…

See more Why is Determining Real Value Essential for Organizations?

Valuation Competitive Advantages

Companies thrive when they create real economic value for their shareholders. For this, they invest resources with the objective of obtaining rates of return that exceed the cost of their capital. However, to assess the return on invested capital, it is necessary to consider knowledge assets, which are of high value to companies. Studies show that the value of knowledge assets has increased in the top 500 companies in the United States.

See more in Valuation Competitive Advantages


The Valuation Real Business Value?

Effectively, the method measures the real value of the organization, identifying where, how much and when the wealth was created.
What are the guiding principles of the method?

Definitively is based on the ability to generate wealth by corporations.

To do this, it is based on two quantitative pillars: adjusted income generated by corporations and the investment in resources, conditions that favor accumulation of wealth, and one qualitative pillar of support measures the qualitative aspect of the value generated by the company.

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What matters on Valuation Real Business Value?

The system proposes the joining of the developed value-adding variables into quadrants.

The proposed groupings are Human, Processes, Structural and Relational.

The time covered by the method are past, present and future series.

The variables are measured in quantitative and qualitative terms.

It also importante that valuation are produced by the interactivity between the quadrants. Also, the method proposes the joining of the developed value-adding variables.

The quadrants should be observed from two perspectives: internal and external.

A generation component of valuation is the potential for wealth creation that is strongly connected with both people and the market.

What is the formula?

Thus, to determine the real value of the organization, follow the formulation:


Where: RBV = Real Business Value, KA = Knowledge Assets and EMV = Equity at Market Value.

To determine the real value of the organization it is necessary to apply the formula in two steps. First find the actual value of knowledge assets (KA) and then add it to equity at market value.

To determine the real value of knowledge assets, step 1 of the proposed formula we have:

KA = (CAR + VAI) × (1 + VCA)

Where: KA = Knowledge Assets; CAR = Comprehensive Assessment Result; VAI = Value-Adding Investment and VCA = Valuation Coefficient Assessment.

Step 1 of the formulation KA = (CAR+ VAI) × (1 + VCA) was designed to assess the organization’s real value with an emphasis on value-added knowledge assets.

In step 2, it is necessary to determine Equity at Market Value (EMV) as follows:


Where: AMV = Assets at Market Value and LPV = Liabilities at Present Value.

The components of the formula have unfolding that are systematized and explained in detail in topics 9.1 Comprehensive Assessment Result (CAR), 9.2 Value-Adding Investment  (VAI) and 9.3 Valuation Coefficient Assessment (VCA) in Valuation: Real Business Value book.

See more about Valuation Real Business Value

What for do I need do valuation?

Valuation is  useful in assessing the impact of strategies on firm value. By understanding how strategic decisions affect company value, managers can make smarter decisions and ensure the company is moving in the right direction.

The evaluation of companies is a strategic process and presents multiple uses, such as:

  1. valuation for the purpose of merger or acquisition;
  2. identification of investment and decisions opportunities;
  3. evaluation of the impact of strategies on company value;
  4. find where, how, with what, to whom, and by whom the wealth generated.

In a competitive environment, added values are a source of sustainable advantages. The added value can and should be measured, providing negotiation conditions with financiers, and attracting investor resources. They usually represent the largest part of the Valuation and are intangible, represented by assets and rights associated with an organization. Regardless of whether they are accounted for, they have value and can add competitive advantages, as is the case with a brand.

The valuation of companies is a critical process for any business and has several uses. One of the main ones is valuation for merger or acquisition purposes. When two companies want to merge or one company wants to acquire another, valuation is critical in determining the fair value of the transaction.

Another important utility is the identification of investment opportunities. By assessing a company’s current value and growth potential, investors can make informed decisions about where to put their money and get the best possible return.

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Do Valuation

Valuation is all about strategy, I’m here to inform which tactics need funding and which are drains on resources.

Finances Knowledge

Know finances is like an intricate game of chess, where every move counts and you Jeep score with money.

Oportinities for succeed

My bether knowledge to you. Entrepreneurship creates conditions to generate new businesses and process innovations

Free Cash Flow

The Free Cash Flow Represents the cash flow from the company's operations, after investments and the distribution of dividends.
One can say that FCL is the cash used to remunerate capital providers.
The calculation of the FCL can be obtained as follows:

(=) Net Operating Cash (a) 1,000,000.00
(-) Expenses / investments with capital (b) 350,000.00
(-) Payment of dividends (c) 50,000.00
(-) Net Financial Expenses (d) 20,000.00
(=) Available value (e = a – b – c – d) 580,000.00
The Net Operating Cash will be obtained after the payment of the taxes.
The available value serves to remunerate the suppliers of resources to the company and will be assessed before the payment of debts (including interest).
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Copyright by Prof. Osni Hoss, PhD. All rights reserved.

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